Home Remedies To Treat Dry Cough In Monsoon

Monsoon And Dry Cough: Try These Home Remedies For Relief

Onlymyhealth Tamil

Do you find yourself complaining about dry cough during monsoon? It can be caused by viral infections, damp weather promoting mould growth, and exposure to allergens like pollen and dust mites. While it may seem harmless, it can be quite bothersome and disrupt daily activities. Continuous coughing makes it difficult to swallow food since it irritates the throat passage and causes discomfort.

Home Remedies To Treat Dry Cough


Honey and Ginger

According to a study by the International Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, the combination of honey and ginger offers a potentially effective treatment with fewer side effects for productive cough.

Honey and ginger have been used for generations to alleviate cough and soothe sore throats. Ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties help reduce irritation, while honey’s soothing and antibacterial effects provide relief from dry cough. Prepare a concoction by boiling crushed ginger in water, strain the liquid, and add a spoonful of honey. Sip on this warm remedy to ease your cough symptoms.

Tulsi (Holy Basil) Leaves

Holy basil, commonly known as tulsi, is highly regarded in ayurveda for its curative qualities. It is an excellent remedy for respiratory issues, including dry cough. Chew on a few fresh tulsi leaves or boil them in water along with crushed ginger. Strain the mixture and consume the warm liquid with honey for added benefits.

Also Read: 8 Amazing Health Benefits Of Including Tulsi Seeds In Your Diet


Turmeric Milk

Turmeric is a potent spice known for its anti-inflammatory and healing properties. When combined with warm milk, it becomes a golden elixir for cough relief. Add a pinch of turmeric powder to a glass of warm milk and drink it before bedtime to soothe your throat and promote restful sleep.

Mulethi (Liquorice) Root Tea

Mulethi root is a natural demulcent, which means it forms a protective coating on the throat, reducing irritation and dryness. To make mulethi root tea, boil a few pieces of liquorice root in water, strain the liquid, and sip on it for relief from a dry cough.

Also Read: Do Not Ignore Persistent Cough, It May Be A Sign Of Lung Cancer


Lemon and Honey

The combination of lemon and honey is not only refreshing but also effective in providing relief from dry cough. Mix a tablespoon of honey with a few drops of lemon juice and consume it multiple times a day to soothe your irritated throat.

According to the International Journal of Advanced Research, honey with lemon was more beneficial than medicine alone in terms of lowering cough frequency, severity, and unpleasant cough, and enhancing sleep.

Saltwater Gargle

One of the simplest and most effective remedies for dry cough is a saltwater gargle. Mix half a teaspoon of salt in warm water and gargle with it for a few seconds. This helps in reducing throat inflammation and provides relief from dry cough.


The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only. Hence, we advise you to consult with your expert if the cough persists for a longer duration to avoid complications.

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