Does Falling in Love Make You Fat? Psychiatrist Explains Relationship Weight Gain

Does Falling in Love Make You Fat? Psychiatrist Explains Relationship Weight Gain

Onlymyhealth Tamil

Love is a beautiful and complex emotion that can change your life in many ways. It can bring happiness, fulfilment, and even a few surprises, one of which is often a change in your waistline. It’s a common joke that when you fall in love, you also fall victim to weight gain. Perhaps that is why we call extra fat around the waist ‘love handles.’ But is there any truth to this notion, or is it just another myth? Speaking to the team of OnlyMyHealth, Dr Sayantani Mukherjee, Consultant, Psychiatrist, Manipal Hospital, Kharadi, explained the reason behind those extra inches you might have gained after entering a long-term romantic relationship.

The Science of Love and Weight Gain

Love Makes You Fat

Challenging the idea that healthy relationships are always good for your well-being, a study by researchers at the Department of Psychology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, USA, revealed, ‘Spouses in satisfying relationships relax their efforts to maintain their weight because they are no longer motivated to attract a mate.’

Dr Mukherjee explained that when you first fall in love, your brain undergoes a chemical transformation and releases neurotransmitters like dopamine and oxytocin which creates feelings of happiness, attachment, and intimacy. However, over time these chemicals start fading and people enter into a comfortable zone in their relationships. 

“As people progress in their romantic relationships, sex drive, physical attraction, and constant need for contact start varying over time, and give way to trust and dependency, In such a scenario, the needs of a person start changing from wanting excitement to relying on companionship. What’s at play here is not the release of some hormones or chemicals in the brain, but more so the conditioning that people go through in a long-term committed relationship,” she added. 

Also Read: Top 5 Characteristics of a Healthy Relationship

As people become comfortable in their relationships, Dr Mukherjee pointed out that several factors can contribute towards weight gain:

  • Committed relationships, especially long-term romances, might bring along a number of preoccupations that can take time away from personal maintenance. Giving time to kids, your spouse, their family members and loved ones, and maintaining your house might not leave enough time for you to enhance your physical attributes. 
  • Being in a healthy relationship, where you feel accepted and appreciated even at your worst, might diminish the motivation to groom yourself to keep your partner attracted to you.
  • If you are in a toxic relationship, it could dampen your mental health to the extent that you willfully let go of taking care of yourself due to constantly feeling sad, angry, or neglected, and developing low self-esteem. 

Preventing Love-Induced Weight Gain

Love Makes You Fat

While falling in love can indeed lead to weight gain, it’s essential to remember that it doesn’t have to be an inevitable consequence. Additionally, Dr Mukherjee warned, “Do not dismiss your weight gain as a side-effect of a romantic relationship. There could be underlying medical conditions that could be causing the increase in your waist size. With lifestyle diseases on the rise, it’s important to be aware of conditions like diabetes, hypertension, obesity, thyroid issues, and PCOS, that are prevalent in the current scenario and can cause rapid weight gain.”

Also Read: 7 Tips To Build Emotional Safety And Healthy Relationships

Here are some tips to maintain a healthy balance:

    • Stay Active Together: Instead of indulging in sedentary activities, find ways to stay active together. Go for hikes, take dance classes, or simply enjoy long walks as a couple.
    • Mindful Eating: Be mindful of what you eat when you dine together. Choose healthier options and watch portion sizes. Cooking meals at home can also help you make nutritious choices.
    • Communication: Open and honest communication with your partner about your health and fitness goals is crucial. Encourage each other to lead a balanced lifestyle.
    • Self-Care: Don’t neglect self-care and your own well-being. Continue to prioritize exercise, nutritious eating, and stress management.

Falling In Love Is Not An Excuse For Letting Go Of Yourself

While falling in love can lead to some changes in your lifestyle and body, it doesn’t necessarily have to result in weight gain. Being aware of the potential pitfalls and making conscious choices to maintain a healthy lifestyle can help you enjoy the many joys of love without sacrificing your physical health. Love can be a transformative experience, and with the right mindset, it can lead to personal growth and happiness without adding extra kilos to your waistline.

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