Detox Diet After Binge Eating? Expert Explains If It Really Works

Detox Diet After Binge Eating? Expert Explains If It Really Works

Onlymyhealth Tamil

You might have found yourself in a situation where you indulged in a bit too much food – maybe during a celebration or a tough day. When that happens, the idea of a detox diet might have crossed your mind – a way to clean the slate and get back on track. But have you ever wondered if a detox diet works after a binge-eating episode? We spoke to Ekta singhwal, MSc (Dietician), Ujala Cygnus Group of Hospitals, who explained if a detox diet can help after binge eating.

According to the Journal of Eating Disorders, Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is characterised by repeatedly consuming an abnormally large quantity of food within a distinct timeframe, and it holds the highest prevalence among all eating disorders.


Singhwal said, “Using a ‘detox diet’ as a way to ‘undo’ the effects of binge eating may not be the most effective or healthy approach. Detox diets often involve severe calorie restriction, the consumption of specific foods or beverages, or the exclusion of certain food groups, all to eliminate toxins from the body.” However, there are several reasons why a detox diet may not be the best solution after binge eating. Some of them are as follows:

Detox Diet After Binge Eating

Lack of Scientific Evidence

Singhwal said, “The concept of detox diets is not well-supported by scientific research. The body has its own natural detoxification mechanisms involving the liver, kidneys, and other organs. Extreme detox diets may not significantly enhance these processes and can even lead to nutrient deficiencies.”


Calorie Restriction

Singhwal informed, “Binge-eating episodes often involve the consumption of large amounts of calories in a short period.” Following a detox diet that restricts calories severely can exacerbate the problem and lead to further disordered eating patterns. This can also negatively impact metabolism and energy levels.

Also Read: Eating Disorders: Electrolytes May Help Catch Them Earlier

Nutrient Deficiencies

Many detox diets eliminate important food groups, which can result in nutrient deficiencies. Did you know that your body’s nutritional requirements become even more critical after binge eating? Hence, engaging in a detox diet that lacks vital nutrients might impede the recovery process.


Emotional Well-being

Singhwal highlighted, “Binge eating often has an emotional component. Relying simply on a detox diet to address the problem may miss important psychological variables that lead to binge eating. It’s important to address the emotional aspects of eating through counselling or therapy.”


Detox diets are often extreme and not sustainable over the long term. This is because individuals may revert to their prior eating habits after finishing a detox, leading to a fresh cycle of binge eating.

Also Read: MentalHealthMatters: Can Food Reduce Stress? Know In Detail How It Works

Body’s Natural Processes

Singhwal added, “The body is designed to self-regulate and return to a balanced state after occasional overeating. Instead of resorting to extreme measures, focusing on a balanced and nutritious diet along with regular physical activity is a more sustainable way to support overall health.”


Singhwal concluded, “After a binge-eating episode, it’s important to prioritise a balanced and nourishing approach to eating rather than turning to detox diets. If you find yourself concerned about binge eating, it’s highly advisable to reach out for guidance from a registered dietitian, therapist, or healthcare expert.”

[Disclaimer: This article contains information provided by the expert and is for informational purposes only. Hence, we advise you to consult with your expert if you are dealing with such a condition.]

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